Cinematographic creation as a tool for social transformation
Badalona starts the ‘Salto del eje’ program, which promotes film creation as a tool for social transformation Students of the IES Enric Borràs are the first in the province of Barcelona to participate in this film creation initiative to promote social inclusion. It is a program of the High Commissioner against Child Poverty, the Ministry of Culture and Sports, in collaboration with the Federación Pantalla, and which the Diputació de Barcelona deploys in the province. Badalona is the first city in the province of Barcelona to launch the ‘Salto del eje’ program. A dozen students from IES Enric Borràs, in the La Salut district, have received training for the creation and production of short documentary films with the support of professionals from the cinematographic sector. The teenagers have had creative freedom when making their own short, which will be screened at the FILMETS Badalona Film Festival, with the participants and their families present.
It is a project that allows teenagers to access a unique experience, such as making films, with beneficial effects such as promoting talent, improving emotional well-being and increasing self-confidence. Through the audiovisual language, students will be able to contribute their point of view when building new stories around the neighborhoods, fighting against prejudices and stigmas. In this way, the project recognizes the transformative potential of culture to improve social cohesion and favor the promotion of talent, thanks to the learning and development of new skills that also help to improve emotional well-being. The initiative has been promoted, as part of the ‘Culture that transforms’ initiative, by the High Commissioner against Child Poverty, the Ministry of Culture and Sports, in collaboration with the Pantalla Federation, and has had the participation of the City Council of Badalona and the FILMETS festival, through the project ‘Neighbourhoods and communities: engines of social transformation’ of the Diputació de Barcelona.
Una experiència de creació artística amb beneficis i oportunitats per a l’adolescència, en especial pels més vulnerables El programa ‘Salto del eje’ es desenvoluparà en set municipis de la província de Barcelona al llarg dels pròxims mesos, amb la participació d’adolescents d’entre 12 i 17 anys. A banda de Badalona, també es portarà a terme al barri de Torre-romeu de Sabadell, al barri de Cerdanyola de Mataró, al barri de Fondo de Santa Coloma de Gramenet, al barri de Sant Ildefons de Cornellà de Llobregat, al barri de Camps Blancs de Sant Boi de Llobregat, i al barri Pare Ignasi Puig- El Xup de Manresa. La selecció dels participants es duu a terme en el marc del Projecte Transformador Barris i comunitats, com a coneixedors del territori i del teixit associatiu del barri fomentant la implicació dels adolescents, les seves famílies i l’entorn més pròxim.
Els curtmetratges produïts pels adolescents es projectaran en festivals o mostres de cinema associats a la Catalunya Film Festivals i a Federación Pantalla, al llarg de tot l’any. Es preveu que els vegin fins a 500.000 espectadors de tot l’estat. Les diferents peces audiovisuals també tindran una funció educativa mitjançant el desenvolupament de tallers i projecció en diversos centres educatius.