Catalunya Film Festivals collaborate with the Sala Mezclas of IN-EDIT Film Festival

You are still in time to register in the Sala de Mezclas: it is an event of the IN-EDIT Film Festival that will take place at the headquarters of SGAE Catalonia on Thursday, November 2, in a free day dedicated to professionals, the cultural sector and curious in general.

In particular Catalunya Film Festivals collaborates with a Dinar Networking (13: 30h) by companies of the sector and followed in a talk called “Els marges als Festivals” (15: 00h – 16: 00h): Three round tables that will be realized to the which will be discussed on:

1) The triumph of thematic festivals 
With Valerie Dobbelaere, coordinator of sound and music projects at Film Fest Gent
Moderator: Mònica García, subdirector of the Sitges International Fantastic Film Festival Foundation.

2) “Out of the box” distribution
With Luke Brawley, Festivals Manager of the distribution Company Dogwoof.
Moderator: Tess Renaudo, Programmer/Management Team member of l’Alternativa, Barcelona Independent Film Festival.

3) Exploring the limits of a film festival
With Adam Thorsmark, Head of Music & Regional Activities of the CPH:DOX Festival.
Moderator: Oriol Rodríguez, director of Offsidefest.

Resgistration here: